EIV, IMS/PIC-HIP, NMA Performance Portal, Rent Reasonableness, Sequestration, Sustainable Communities, The Housing Conference, VMS Meet me in San Diego August 14, 2013 READ MORE
Blended Occupancy, NMA Housing Awards, Program Management, Rent Reasonableness, Sequestration, The Housing Conference Win two free registrations to the 2013 NMA Housing Conference! July 31, 2013 READ MORE
Books and Revision Services, Notice PIH 2013-03, PIH notices, Portability, Rent Calculation Do you have the latest version of the NMA Model Admin Plan? July 24, 2013 READ MORE
Mod Rehab, PIH notices, Public Housing Conversion, RAD HUD provides details on this Thursday's RAD meeting July 8, 2013 READ MORE
Choice Neighborhoods, MTW, PHAS, PIH notices, Public Housing Conversion, RAD HUD issues revised RAD notice July 3, 2013 READ MORE