Outsourcing, PIH notices, Program Management, Q&A, Recertification, Rent Calculation Q&A: Underpaid subsidies due to PHA error February 1, 2016 READ MORE
Appropriations, Books and Revision Services, Community Service, Final Rule, Flat Rent, PIH notices, Portability, Streamlining The NMA year-end sale is back! November 3, 2015 READ MORE
FASS-PH, Financial Management, PIH notices, VMS HUD issues notice on administrative fee reserves October 8, 2015 READ MORE
Appropriations, Flat Rent, FMR, Interim Rule, PIH notices, Rent Reasonableness Notice restricts flat rent phase-ins September 11, 2015 READ MORE
Appropriations, Flat Rent, FMR, Interim Rule, PIH notices, Rent Reasonableness, Utilities HUD follows flat rent rule with supplemental guidance September 10, 2015 READ MORE
Appropriations, Flat Rent, FMR, Interim Rule, PIH notices, The Housing Conference HUD publishes interim rule on flat rents September 8, 2015 READ MORE
Community Service, PIH notices, Q&A A note about community service and students September 1, 2015 READ MORE
Community Service, FSS, PIH notices, ROSS Community service notice expands exemption August 18, 2015 READ MORE
Appropriations, Books and Revision Services, Fair Housing, Final Rule, Flat Rent, HERA, Inspections, PIH notices NMA's seminar calendar for Q3 2015 is now available! April 22, 2015 READ MORE
Appropriations, Books and Revision Services, Equal Access, Fair Housing, Final Rule, HERA, HQS, Inspections, PBV, PIH notices, Utilities The October 2014 revision of NMA's Model Admin Plan has shipped! February 27, 2015 READ MORE
Appropriations, Books and Revision Services, Fair Housing, Final Rule, Flat Rent, HERA, Inspections, PIH notices NMA's seminar calendar for Q2 2015 is now available! January 5, 2015 READ MORE