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Community development and housing news: June 23, 2020

HUD announces grants for housing counseling and Foster Youth to Independence Initiative. Protecting young people from homelessness, strategies for increasing affordable housing amid COVID-19, and more.

Breaking news


HUD awarded nearly $40 million in housing counseling grants on Tuesday, June 16

The grant will help households find affordable rental housing. Agencies can also use the funds to support emergency preparedness and disaster recovery efforts. Read more


HUD Secretary Ben Carson announced on Monday, June 8 nearly $100,000 in grants will be awarded to HUD's Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) Initiative

The program helps young adults under the age of 25 who are in, or have recently left, the foster care system by providing housing choice vouchers. FYI also supports young adults to reach self-sufficiency by working toward their education and employment goals. Read more


What we're reading


Why we must protect young people from homelessness now

"Unless we adopt an intergenerational perspective and approach to responding to the newly intensified racial inequality and economic insecurity our communities face, we may find that the next generation is even more vulnerable to the crises of homelessness and housing insecurity than the ones that came before them." Read more


Strategies for increasing affordable housing amid the COVID-19 economic crisis

"As policymakers and voters become more aware of the social costs created by housing instability, there is an opportunity to address long-standing gaps in the safety net. Achieving meaningful reductions in housing insecurity will require more resources—and more thoughtful strategies—from public agencies, philanthropy, and private capital." Read more


Resilience in the face of a pandemic: green affordable housing matters more than ever

"COVID-19 is quickly changing how we think about the places we live, and about how we will design the new normal. Green buildings must be part of that vision. It offers a proven way to prevent—and recover from—a range of health and climate challenges. Importantly, green affordable housing ensures that these benefits reach the most vulnerable members of our communities and build their resilience in the face of an uncertain future." Read more


Your essential worker may be a voucher holder

"The COVID-19 crisis has laid bare the inequalities in our communities as never before. Low-income households, low-wage workers, and those who are housing insecure are bearing the brunt of the danger." Read more


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