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Community development and housing news: June 7, 2021

HUD PIH updates CDC Eviction Moratorium FAQs, CDBG-CV Toolkit is now available, State CDBG-CV Implementation Quick Guide is now available, and more.

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HUD PIH updates CDC Eviction Moratorium FAQs

On May 26, 2021, HUD posted updates to its "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Eviction Moratorium FAQs for HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH)." The updated document includes changes to nine Frequently Asked Questions along with a new section addressing “PHA Round 5 COVID FAQs.” Read more


CDBG-CV Toolkit is now available

HUD Exchange posted the CDBG-CV Toolkit to assist grantees’ ongoing identification and implementation of CDBG-CV program activities that best serve their communities. The toolkit will be continually updated as more CDBG-CV resources and webinar recordings are published. Read more


State CDBG-CV Implementation Quick Guide is now available

This user-friendly tool summarizes key components of the Community Development Block Grant CARES Act as they relate to State CDBG-CV program implementation and gives grantees an overview of the overall alternative requirements and flexibilities granted in Federal Register Notice F.R. 6218-N-01. Read more


HUD announces $145 million to address the needs of youth experiencing homelessness

The funding is available to build systems intended to end youth homelessness in local and rural communities. These systems include rapid re-housing, permanent supportive housing, and transitional housing, and to fund innovative programs, such as host homes. Read more



HUD awards $160 million to five communities to revitalize housing and invest in neighborhoods

The funds will be used to redevelop severely distressed housing and spur comprehensive revitalization under the federal Choice Neighborhoods program. This year's grant winners are Camden, New Jersey; Cleveland, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan; Fort Myers, Florida; and Lewiston, Maine. Read more


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