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HUD solicits comments on MTW expansion

HUD solicits comments on MTW expansion

In an item dated April 7 and posted to the Moving to Work (MTW) website, HUD announced that it will reopen the comment period for the “Operations Notice for the Expansion of the Moving to Work Demonstration Program Solicitation of Comment.” The notice was published in the Federal Register on January 23 and comments were due by March 24.

The operations notice addresses implementation of the 2016 MTW expansion statute, and solicits public comments on the following topics:

  • Purpose and applicability of the program
  • Waivers, including general, conditional, and cohort-specific waivers
  • The term of participation
  • Funding, the MTW block grant, and financial reporting
  • Program-wide and cohort-specific evaluation
  • Program administration and oversight
  • The Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program
  • Applying MTW flexibilities to special purpose vouchers
  • Regionalization
  • The applicability of other federal, state, and local requirements
  • Sanctions, terminations, and default

HUD will reopen the comment period for the operations notice in order to allow interested participants and stakeholders additional time to review the notice and provide feedback to HUD.

HUD also announced that it will be offering a series of four in-person listening sessions to discuss the operations notice. PHAs interested in applying for the MTW expansion are invited to attend; however, attendance is limited to two representatives per agency. Topics for the sessions include performance assessments, funding, regulatory waivers, and regionalization.

The all-day listening sessions are scheduled as follows (click one of the city links to register):

If your agency is interested in applying under the MTW expansion, NMA can help. We have extensive experience working with MTW agencies, including as partners during the application process, and we can guide you through questions such as the kinds of things MTW agencies can do, how you intend to measure performance, guidance and insight into what HUD is looking for from newly sanctioned agencies, and more. For more information, call (800) 783-3100 or email