Achieving High Performance in the HCV Program with Nan McKay

With more than fifty years of experience in affordable housing, Nan McKay is considered to be the nation's foremost expert in the housing choice voucher program. Nan launched one of the nation’s first Section 8 programs as executive director of a Minnesota housing authority, went on to found Nan McKay & Associates in 1980, and continues to train and write books on how to successfully manage an HCV program.
NMA senior consultant Teri Robertson is nationally recognized as a leading expert in HCV and Section 8. She has written for the NMA blog about HCV administrative fees, how to maximize your agency’s performance rating, and working with sequestration in the HCV program. Teri and Nan will be presenting the following session at The Housing Conference.
Executive Leadership for Performance Excellence
Achieving High Performance in the HCV Program with Nan McKay
Presenters, Nan McKay with Teri Robertson
Is your agency achieving the performance standards you'd like to see? In this fast-paced session, Nan will share her depth of experience in the housing choice voucher program, laying out a series of clear steps that will help you build a high-performing HCV program. Nan and Teri will explore these steps in depth, including:
- Ways to define and communicate your agency's goals
- How to monitor results
- Setting up a leadership system
- Methods for maximizing HCV program utilization
Nan and other industry experts are available for limited free one-hour Q&A sessions at The Housing Conference to registered participants. Don’t delay, signups close this Friday! Register online or email for more information.