Grayscale: Why Black and White Thinking is Fatal
Eric Kaufmann guides leaders to make better decisions and achieve better results. A native of Israel, he lived and worked in South Africa before gaining two decades of experience in sales, management, and leadership at Lanier/3M and Corning Clinical Laboratories. In 1999, he launched an executive development consultancy which has served Sony, T-Mobile, Genentech, Alcon Labs, Teradata, and hundreds of leaders of Fortune 1000 companies.
Eric will be presenting the keynote speech at the 2015 NMA and GoSection8 Housing Conference.
Keynote Speech, 2015 NMA and GoSection8 Housing Conference
Grayscale: Why Black and White Thinking is Fatal
Presenter, Eric Kaufmann
While your mind craves simple solutions, leadership demands complex calculations. Leaders are valued for their ability to make decisions, especially difficult ones. This presentation examines the essence of effective leadership: determining how to satisfy multiple stakeholders. A simple yes or no may be desirable, but unrealistic and inappropriate. So, how do you make good decisions, add value at an executive level, and strategically contribute to the organization? By learning to embrace paradox!
Eric Kaufmann’s diverse and varied life is a commitment to understanding and teaching wisdom. His published book, Leadership as a Hero’s Journey, shares practical ideas and tools that deepen a leader’s ability to be efficient, effective and deliberate — a leader whom people are drawn to follow. The crucible of Eric’s journey contains 13 years of leadership consulting, management at Fortune 100 firms, degrees in business and psychology, a quarter century of Zen practice, living in Israel and South Africa, teaching as a Master Scuba Diving instructor, and working as a certified hypnotherapist.
The conference will spotlight three tracks this year: an executive track, a regulatory track, and a hands-on track. Go here to view a list of the session descriptions that have been published so far, including Eric Kaufmann's interactive strategy workshop.