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Say hello to the NMA team in Nashville

The NAHRO 2012 National Conference starts this weekend, and several key members of the NMA executive team will be there:

John McKay, Chief Executive Officer. John has been with Nan McKay and Associates since 1998, and has been serving as the Chief Executive Officer since 2007. Prior to being appointed as CEO, John served as the Vice President of Operations, where he created the new Consulting and Technology Services departments. This initiative brought the first fully functional Performance Portal to the housing market.

Dorian Jenkins, Vice President, Program Management. Dorian has extensive experience working in large urban housing authorities. He currently leads NMA’s Chicago team, which administers 17,000 contracts on behalf of the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA). His team has successfully maximized unit and budget utilization for the CHA’s HCV, Mod Rehab and PBV programs, while incorporating a customer-focused culture within the CHA.

Cydney Jones, Director of Program Management. Cydney is currently the Operations Manager for NMA’s program management with the Chicago Housing Authority, where she oversees a staff of 60. Along with her team she is responsible for 17,000 recertifications, including PBV, Mod Rehab, and traditional HCV vouchers. She came to NMA from the Los Angeles County Housing Authority, where she oversaw the recertification functions of over 21,000 Housing Choice Voucher participants.

Sarah Quinn, Andrew Denicola, and Jason Lee will also be attending from the NMA sales and marketing departments. Stop by and say hi at booth #716!