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UPCS-V Update

Specializing in real property services, Jay Ortenzo has been a technical trainer and consultant with Nan McKay and Associates for over 20 years. With more than four decades of housing experience in both public and private sectors, he develops technical training manuals and materials relating to federally subsidized programs on housing inspection, maintenance, and modernization.

An HQS and UPCS trainer with more than 20 years of HCV program experience, Derrick Ratliff has extensive knowledge of HUD regulations, with a specialization in HQS inspections, quality control, and rent reasonableness. He has managed the inspections process for some of the largest PHAs in the country, including over 500,000 HQS and quality control inspections, and spearheaded the first successful program (Owner Excellence Program) in the nation to reward and recognize extraordinary property owners in the HCV program for a Moving to Work (MTW) agency. He is a U.S. veteran (USMC) and a member of Toastmasters International.

Regulatory Knowledge for Smart Management

UPCS-V Update

Jay Ortenzo
Derrick Ratliff

This is a great opportunity to learn the differences between HQS and UPCS-V. Uniform Physical Condition Standards for Vouchers (UPCS-V) is the new updated inspection standard for the housing choice voucher (HCV) program. It combines the consistency and objectivity of UPCS inspections with the focus on the condition of individual housing units of HQS inspections. UPCS-V is based on UPCS protocol and definitions (with the "V" signifying "voucher") with additions of unique items from the HQS inspection. Get updates and feedback from HUD’s beta-testing of UPCS-V!