NMA Blog | Housing and Community Development News

The PIH Alert: a daily summary with the latest news on affordable housing

Written by NMA | July 18, 2019

We know time is valuable, and we will save you tons! NMA’s PIH Alert, one of our most helpful services for the affordable housing industry, allows public housing agencies (PHAs) and housing professionals to stay current with HUD’s new regulations, notices, and guidance—without having to worry about finding it yourself.

In this constantly changing industry, it is crucial that PHAs are always up to date and adhere to rules and standards, but this is not an easy task. There are so many HUD websites that are hard to navigate and very difficult to understand. That is why we do the job for you! Every day, we search through several housing industry websites and resources to provide you with all the information you need, saving you many hours of research.

When you subscribe to NMA's PIH Alert, you will receive a daily email with a brief summary of each new regulation, notice, guidance, tool, webcast statement, act of Congress, and everything else that involves the public housing and HCV programs as they are released. This summary also provides you the links to the relevant information for each item. Additionally, every Friday, you will receive “FAQ Friday,” a PIH Alert section that includes one frequently asked question (FAQ) regarding PIH program administration submitted by our subscribers.

Another great and very popular feature of our PIH Alert is a monthly email that summarizes the most important articles of the past four weeks, so we make sure you don’t miss anything. You will also have access to the PIH Alert archives when you need to refer to a past article.

Our customers, staff, trainers, and consultants go over the PIH Alert every day to get the latest housing industry updates as well. If you work in the affordable housing industry, you can’t miss out on the PIH Alert. Use your time wisely; we will do the hard work for you.