Community Development and Housing News: February 21, 2023
HUD publishes VAWA notice, proposed AFFH rule, and HOTMA final rule, posts a new tool on assistance animals in affordable housing, and awards funds to upgrade and maintain public housings.
Recent News
HUD Publishes Notice Setting Out Enforcement Under VAWA
Notice FHEO 2023-01 establishes that HUD's Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity and the Office of General Counsel will enforce VAWA housing protections using the same processes as are used to enforce the Fair Housing Act. Additionally, HUD will issue rules and regulations as appropriate to implement the requirements of VAWA 2022. Read article
HUD Publishes Proposed AFFH Rule
HUD is seeking public comment on its proposed Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, which is designed to simplify the required fair housing analysis. The rule would require participating PHAs to submit an Equity Plan to HUD with goals and strategies to guide their action plans and documents. Read article
HUD Officially Publishes HOTMA Final Rule
The new final rule, among other changes, extensively modifies the definitions of “annual income” and “total tenant payment”; changes how financial aid and scholarships affect income; increases standard deductions for certain families; and requires that applicants and recipients authorize PHAs to obtain financial records. See the notice for details and more changes. Read article
HUD Posts Interactive Tool on Housing Requests for Assistance Animals
The new online tool walks users (housing providers or tenants) through handling a reasonable accommodation request for an assistance animal using Notice FHEO 2020-01, “Assessing a Person’s Request to Have an Assistance Animal as a Reasonable Accommodation Under the Fair Housing Act.” See tool
HUD Awards $3.16 Billion for Critical Investments in Nation’s Public Housing
Recently awarded funds will help nearly 2,770 public housing authorities build, renovate, and modernize their affordable housing properties. The grants were provided through HUD’s Capital Fund Program. Read article