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Community Development and Housing News: March 28, 2022

HUD announces and awards funding for youth and others experiencing homelessness, extends a CARES Act deadline, and more.

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HUD Announces $72 Million Funding Opportunity to Help Youth Experiencing Homelessness

Through June 28, 2022, state, city, township, county, and special district governments may apply for Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program funds to use in developing and implementing a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness. Funds may also be used to share such an approach with other US communities to mobilize them toward the same end. Read article


HUD Announces $2.6 Billion in Awards to Help People Experiencing Homelessness

More than $2.6 billion in FY 2021 Continuum of Care Competition Awards will provide funding to help individuals and families experiencing homelessness move into permanent housing with access to supportive services. The funds were awarded to 7,000 community local homeless housing and service programs, with the overarching goal of long-term stability for affected individuals and families. Read article


HUD Extends SF-425 Submission Deadline for CARES Act Funds

In a revision to Notice PIH 2021-36, HUD has extended the deadline to submit an SF-425 for CARES Act grants, reporting on the status of CARES Act Supplemental Operating Subsidy as of the end of 2021, to May 31, 2022. Complete details are in Section 5 of the notice. Read notice


HUD Announces $3 Billion to Advance Equitable Disaster Recovery, Build Climate Resilience

Nearly $3 billion in CBDG-DR funds have been allocated to help communities recover from disasters and build resilience to climate change, with attention toward low- and moderate-income populations as well as historically marginalized communities. Read article


Federal Housing Administration Insures $12 Million Mortgage for Urban Redevelopment of Affordable Multifamily Housing in Baltimore

The FHA announced the final endorsement of a loan for Marshall Gardens, a Baltimore, Maryland property named for neighborhood resident and late Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall. The insurance endorsement provided by the FHA supports the financing to create 87 rental homes in an affordable multifamily apartment project. Read article


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