PIH issues 2017 HCV funding guidance
Yesterday HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) issued Notice PIH 2017-07 to provide guidance on funding for the housing choice voucher (HCV) program for calendar year 2017. The notice discusses eligibility for potential shortfall funding as well as calculation of administrative fees.
The notice explains that HUD is currently operating under a continuing resolution (CR) which provides funding at 2016 levels. The CR will remain in effect until another CR is enacted, an appropriations bill is enacted, or April 28, 2017.
Based on possible funding scenarios if a full-year CR is enacted, or if an appropriations act is enacted at either the House or Senate proposed levels, a deeper HAP proration than previously experienced may occur.
Below are a few highlights from the 5-page notice:
- PHAs identified by the shortfall prevention team as having a potential shortfall must cease issuing vouchers to applicants and rescind vouchers issued to applicants who have not yet leased a dwelling unit. Affected agencies must also stop absorbing portable vouchers and must not issue tenant-based vouchers to families who wish to move out of project-based voucher (PBV) units.
- There is currently no full-year CR or full-year appropriation in place for HUD to provide shortfall funding to any agency. If shortfall funding is made available, a PHA’s eligibility for such funding will be contingent on the PHA having taken the actions described above.
- PIH intends to make available up to $10 million in administrative fee funding, subject to availability under a full-year CR or appropriation, for homeownership fees, special fees for multifamily housing conversion actions, audit costs for HCV voluntary transfers, and special fees for receiving PHAs where portability vouchers are a significant portion of vouchers under lease.
- Applications for blended rate fees (by PHAs serving multiple administrative fee areas) must be submitted by Monday, May 22, 2017. Requests for higher administrative fee rates for PHAs serving large geographical areas are also due by May 22.
- Requests for blended rate fees and higher administrative fees may be submitted via email or regular mail, but PHAs may not submit requests using both methods.