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HUD publishes notice on RAD conversions

HUD publishes notice on RAD conversions

Last week the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) posted new guidance for the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) in Notice PIH 2016-17. The new notice, which fills 80 pages, combines guidance on fair housing and civil rights requirements with resident relocation requirements and procedures. It supersedes Notice PIH 2014-17, HUD’s previous guidance on RAD relocations. Notice PIH 2012-32 (HA) REV-2, which contains RAD implementation instructions, remains in effect.

The new notice is applicable only to public housing conversions under the first component of RAD. It provides PHAs, project owners, and their RAD development partners with guidance regarding key fair housing and civil rights requirements, explains the situations in which HUD is requiring front-end fair housing and civil rights reviews, and provides information regarding the types of information that must be submitted to facilitate HUD’s reviews.

The notice announces a requirement for submission of a fair housing, civil rights, and relocation checklist by PHAs and project owners. The checklist is currently being revised and will be posted to the RAD website when available.

HUD also announced that it will host a webinar on the new notice.

The presentation is scheduled for this Thursday, November 17,

at 2 p.m. eastern time (11 a.m. Pacific). Click here to register.

According to an accompanying press release, the new notice streamlines and accelerates the RAD approval process by:

  • Clearly outlining the requirements for fair housing and relocation reviews 
  • Providing guidance on what documents to submit and when to submit them, and
  • Offering tools such as a comprehensive checklist to help stakeholders prepare submissions

Today in the Federal Register, HUD  published a request for comments on the new notice. While the requirements of the notice are available and became effective upon posting, HUD has published today’s notice to solicit comments with respect to the clarity and comprehensibility of the requirements.  Comments are due by December 14. 

Got questions about RAD? During our year-end sale, you'll save 20% when you register for upcoming sessions of our RAD trainings, RAD Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) Overview and RAD Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Specialist. If you aren't sure which training is the right one for your agency, give us a call at (800) 783-3100 or email and our experienced staff will point you in the right direction.