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REAC requests feedback on new HCV inspections

In a letter emailed last week, HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) provided an update on its new Oversight and Evaluation Division (OED), which will revise HUD’s methods for overseeing inspections in the housing choice voucher (HCV) program.

REAC plans to replace the current housing quality standards (HQS) with a new inspection protocol called UPCS-V (with the V signifying “voucher”). REAC previously announced that a demonstration period for the new protocol would begin early this year. Last week's letter gives us our first peek at what that new protocol might look like:

As one of the first steps of preparing for the demonstration, HUD seeks feedback from your technical experts on the proposed list of UPCS-V deficiencies and defects attached to this letter, specifically whether HUD has accurately identified those items that should fail a unit and whether HUD has used industry standard terminology that will be understandable in all the geographic regions we serve.

We will be reaching out shortly to coordinate a date and time for a technical forum discussion with representatives and members from your organization. Until then, if you have other questions or comments about the UPCS-V standard, please email us at

Could your agency use help with inspections? Our team of NMAI professionals have an average background of 12 years’ experience conducting inspections, are highly qualified and certified in HQS and/or UPCS, and have completed required sensitivity and sexual harassment training as well as extensive criminal background checks before beginning work. For more information about NMA Inspections, please visit our website or contact us directly at