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HUD extends portability billing deadline

portability billing deadlineIn a letter to executive directors dated September 15, HUD announced that the initial portability billing deadline has been changed from 60 days to 90 days following the expiration date of the initial PHA’s voucher. The letter follows the August 20 publication of the streamlining portability final rule.

As noted in the letter, the final rule revised the HUD regulation on the required term of the voucher issued to a portable family by the receiving PHA (RHA). The new regulation states that the RHA’s voucher may not expire less than 30 days after the expiration date of the voucher issued by the initial PHA (IHA). The letter also acknowledges that the final rule’s requirement for voucher suspensions (“tolling”) may impact the billing deadline. Additional guidance will be issued with revisions to Form HUD-52665 and Notice PIH 2012-42.

The letter also notifies agencies that RHAs whose billed administrative fee will change as a result of the final rule must notify the impacted IHAs no later than October 30, 2015. The new rule restricts the administrative fee to the lower of 80 percent of the IHA’s prorated fee or 100 percent of the RHA’s prorated fee. Changes must be reported to the IHA on line 9b of Form HUD-52665.

Click here to view HUD’s August 28 webcast on the final rule.

Got questions about portability? Don't miss our special session at the 2015 NMA Housing Conference, where NMA expert Gail Gillispie will address the streamlining final rule and other hot topics around portability. Register online or email for more information.