Friday news roundup 6/20/14
On Wednesday HUD released Notice PIH 2014-14, providing guidance on a streamlined assessment process for conversion of public housing units to the housing choice voucher (HCV) program. The streamlined process is only available to PHAs operating fewer than 250 public housing units which will all be converted to HCVs. A list of eligible projects is attached to the notice as Appendix A. HUD is streamlining the required assessment process for small PHAs in order to reduce administrative burden.
Issues discussed in the ten-page notice include:
- Conversion will only be permitted when the level of HCV assistance will not exceed the level of public housing assistance currently provided to the PHA.
- PHAs that do not administer an HCV program are ineligible for conversion. Such PHAs may contract with other PHAs to administer the new vouchers.
- PHAs applying for conversion must provide proof that the conversion will principally benefit residents, the PHA, and the community.
The deadline for applying for conversion under the notice is September 30, 2014. Applications will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis up to a maximum of 1,000 vouchers. In other news:
MetroTrends: Could our super-sized rental market be crowding out affordable housing opportunities?
NCSHA: Castro appears before Senate banking committee
New Haven Independent: From public housing to legal career tracks
NHC: Chicago fair housing convening brings advocates and housers together
NLIHC: Update on Senate THUD appropriations action
Off the Charts: House restriction on housing vouchers would harm low-income residents of oil and gas boomtowns
Rooflines: Castro "outstanding pick" to lead HUD