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Achieving high performance in the HCV program: Tip #14

Tip #14: Learn the basics of HCV financial management.

  1. Read the NMA HCV Executive Management Master Book and/or attend the class.
  2. Attend NMA's HCV Financial Management class (managers don't need to learn the HCV Financial Accounting and Reporting requirements unless they're specifically responsible for those functions).

HCV managers should learn the finance basics so they can communicate with the finance department and and plan and coordinate their activities based upon the PHA's financial status. If there's a disconnect between the HCV manager and finance, your PHA will not achieve maximum utilization of funding.

Next: Achieving high performance in the HCV program: Tip #15

While serving as executive director of a Minnesota housing authority, Nan McKay started one of the nation’s first Section 8 programs. The agency was subsequently honored with a HUD award as one of 13 outstanding Section 8 programs in the country.

Founder and president of Nan McKay and Associates, she has devoted the past two years to redesigning NMA’s HCV Executive Management course, as well as rewriting the HCV Executive Management Master Book with Bill Caltabiano. Follow the #executivemanagement tag to keep up with all related blog posts.