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NLIHC invites PHAs to sign letter supporting housing funding

The National Low-Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) is urging national, state, and local housing organizations to sign a letter supporting funding for the House and Senate subcommittees on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Related Agencies (THUD).

The letter is addressed to the House and Senate chairs and ranking members of the appropriations committees. It encourages them to increase the funding allocation to the THUD subcommittee to the highest possible level in fiscal year (FY) 2016. As the letter explains:

The THUD allocation uniquely promotes the well-being of our communities by providing essential capital and program funding that enables public and private partners to build critical transportation infrastructure, spur economic development in communities, and help more than five million seniors, people with disabilities, and other families afford stable and safe housing. Through these investments, Congress supports small-business job creation, expands our nation’s infrastructure capacity, encourages economic recovery and growth, reduces homelessness and housing instability, and promotes lasting community and family economic success.

The challenging fiscal environment makes the social and economic returns provided through the THUD allocation more crucial than ever. The THUD allocation should be a top priority. In recent years, however, investments made possible by the THUD allocation have been cut sharply. Since FY 2010, budget cuts and sequestration have reduced the THUD allocation by over 25 percent. These cuts have been forced on communities at a far greater rate than their ability to absorb, and the consequences are alarmingly clear.

If you wish to sign the letter supporting the legislation, you may do so here. NLIHC has set a deadline of Friday, March 13, for signatures.