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Friday news roundup 9/6/13

Ready to go! Ready to go!

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has uploaded to the HUD channel on YouTube two of its recent question-and-answer (Q&A) Webinars on the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD).

You’ll find links to the Webinars under “Technical Assistance” on the RAD “Application and Closing Materials” page, but you can also follow the direct links below.

  • July 25 Q&A Webinar, which focuses on “how PHAs can expand their capacity, including through the procurement of partners, in order to assess their portfolios and submit applications for RAD in this calendar year”
  • August 1 Q&A Webinar, which begins with a presentation entitled “RAD 101: Public Housing Conversions”

In other news:

New York Times: Corrective policy is needed when industries pay wages on which adults cannot support a family

Next City: Thinking creatively about how to finance the needed improvements to public housing

Washington Post: Why $270 billion in housing aid hasn’t solved homelessness

Last but not least, we're loading up the boxes and heading out for the first-ever NMA Housing Conference! Have a great weekend, and we'll be back next week with photos and a full report from the conference, including the winners of the 2013 NMA Housing Awards.