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HUD posts bulletin on Moving to Work expansion

Today on the Moving to Work (MTW) home page, HUD posted an update on the planned expansion of the demonstration program under the 2016 appropriations bill.

The 2016 omnibus appropriations bill signed by the president in December 2015 authorizes HUD to expand the MTW demonstration by an additional 100 public housing authorities over seven years. Agencies selected as part of the MTW expansion must be high performers, meet certain site selection requirements as described below, and represent geographic diversity across the country. HUD is working to operationalize the omnibus language and develop a means by which to select new PHAs. At this time, HUD is not accepting applications to the MTW demonstration. As new information is made available, it will be posted on this webpage.

The 100 PHAs will also be selected based on program size, with 50 of the slots reserved for agencies administering 1,000 or fewer aggregate public housing and voucher units. HUD is considering additional criteria to ensure the selection of creative and high-capacity PHAs.

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