HUD issues revised RAD notice
In a press release Monday, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced to the public the online publication of revised program instructions for the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) in Notice PIH 2012-32, REV-2.
The revised notice, which fills 235 pages, includes the following key revisions:
- Increases the cap on public housing conversions from 60,000 to 185,000 units (approximately 15 percent of the public housing stock)
- Expands the program's eligibility to include Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (Mod Rehab SRO) properties funded under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
- Strengthens key rights and protections for residents
- Requires owners/mangers to notify and consult with residents
- Gives residents the a right to remain or return to the property
- Prohibits re-screening of current residents
- Provides an option for a tenant-based voucher, if a resident chooses to leave the assisted property following conversion
- Continues the essential rights and protections provided under the public housing program, including funding to support resident organizations
- Offers multifamily property owners participating in HUD's legacy Rent Supplement (Rent Supp) and Rental Assistance Payment (RAP) programs full participation in the RAD program
- Strengthens the requirement that PHAs maintain control of any new entity formed as part of a RAD conversion
In a related “RADblast” emailed yesterday, HUD added two live question-and-answer (Q&A) sessions to its schedule of RAD training events:
- June 19 Q&A session on public housing, 2 p.m. eastern time
- June 19 Q&A session on Mod Rehab, Rent Supp, and RAP, 3 p.m. eastern time
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