PIH extends due date for 2015 op sub tools
Late yesterday, HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) announced in an email that it has extended the deadline for the submission of completed operating subsidy tools for calendar year 2015. A revised operating fund submission schedule, Version 1.4, was attached to the email and has been posted to the 2015 subsidy processing page. The due date for operating subsidy tools has been extended from January 16 to January 27, 2015.
As reported earlier this week, HUD posted revised Excel tools in an effort to resolve issues with prior versions. The current versions of the operating subsidy tools are CY 2015 PHA HUD-52722 Excel Tool Version 2.04 and CY 2015 PHA HUD-52723 Excel Tool Version 2.01. Yesterday HUD posted new technical notes containing instructions for resolving a number of error messages associated with the HUD spreadsheets. The notes also suggest a temporary workaround for an error (“runtime error 438”) caused by a December Microsoft security update.
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