Reasonable Accommodation: Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues
NMA trainer and consultant Becky Gligo at last year's NMA Housing Conference
In her capacity as one of NMA's primary fair housing experts, trainer and consultant Becky Gligo has previously written for the NMA blog on such topics as fair housing and limited English proficiency (LEP), ensuring accuracy in rent calculation, and ideas for affirmatively furthering fair housing at your PHA. Her most recent series of posts focuses on how to make informed reasonable accommodation decisions. Becky will be presenting the following session at the 2014 NMA and GoSection8 Housing Conference.
Regulatory Knowledge for Smart Management
Reasonable Accommodation: Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues
Presenter, Becky Gligo
HUD studies have shown that over a third of the families in public housing and HCV have heads, spouses, or coheads who meet HUD’s definition of disability. The needs of assisted housing clients are changing, and PHAs are working to fulfill the requirements of various types of disabilities. With the Olmstead decision and Money Follows the Person (MFP) mandates, PHAs are encountering more clients with mental health disabilities than ever before. In this session we will discuss current realities, recent guidance, and practical tools for working with some of our most vulnerable and volatile populations.
This session will focus on the following:
- The "Big Three" fair housing laws: the Fair Housing Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Reasonable accommodation and the two definitions of disability
- The New Freedom Initiative (NFI) and the latest HUD Olmstead guidance
- Direct threats to health and safety
- Affirmatively furthering fair housing
Register online or email for more information. Winners of the 2014 NMA Housing Awards will be announced at the conference — have you submitted your entries yet?