RAD: How It's Really Working
NMA vice president of professional services Carrol Vaughan, presenting a session on RAD at last year's NMA Housing Conference
Carrol Vaughan, NMA's vice president of professional services, is our resident expert on the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program. Other subjects she's written about for the NMA blog include proposed voucher reform legislation and project-based vouchers. Carrol will be moderating the following session at the 2014 NMA and GoSection8 Housing Conference.
Executive Leadership for Performance Excellence
RAD: How It's Really Working
Moderator, Carrol Vaughan
Joe Carmen, Rockhall Funding
Fred Lamont, County of Santa Barbara
Herb Brown, Trenton Housing Authority
Lisa Kemmis, Michigan State Housing and Development Authority
Ignored at first and now recognized as having the potential to effect significant change, the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program has completed its first year in operation, and many more agencies have applications pending. This panel will look at the process required to close the RAD deals and provide ideas on what to do — and not do!
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