Friday news roundup 5/23/14
The HUDdle: National Resource Network: Helping cities help themselves
MetroTrends: How black women's activism changed suburban America
MetroTrends: How to create a more integrated society
NBC New York (via National Fair Housing Alliance): A lawsuit announced yesterday by New York's Fair Housing Justice alleges racial discrimination by apartment owners in the Bronx
NCSHA: House Appropriations Committee approves FY 2015 HUD funding bill
Next City: HUD launches new network aimed at helping cities learn from each other
Off the Charts: House funding bill disproportionately cuts assistance to low-income renters
Off the Charts: For veterans, more bad news than good in housing funding bill
Washington Post: Housing segregation is holding back the promise of Brown v. Board of Education
Washington Post: What you need to know about Julián Castro, the likely next head of HUD