Meet the NMA team: Cydney Jones
Today in our interview series we'll be talking with senior consultant Cydney K. Jones, who recently wrote for the NMA blog about how to run a successful VASH program. With an exceptional knowledge of HUD regulations, she honed her skills while working at the District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA), the Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles (HACoLA), and as a business owner at CKJ Consulting.
How did you get your start in the industry?
I started as the secretary to the executive director at a housing authority.
How many years have you been at NMA?
I've been happily working for NMA for over three years, and in the low-income housing industry for almost twenty years.
Education credentials and professional organizations?
I have a bachelor's degree in communications from Howard University, and am a candidate for a master's degree in public policy.
What’s one topic you’re most passionate about in the affordable housing industry?
I believe in the housing choice voucher program, and enjoy helping housing authorities administer the program effectively and efficiently. I'm passionate about ensuring the program is run efficiently. Our tax dollars are on the line!
What's your favorite part about your job?
Issuing housing choice vouchers to families in need.
Describe your typical work day?
I have to travel a lot, which can be a blessing and a curse. But probably the best part of my job is my home office — I usually wear pajamas to work.
Tell us about a successful project that you had a part in.
Unquestionably, our first program management engagement at a large agency in the Midwest was a great overall experience for me as a housing professional. Managing the HCV program from the private sector really allowed us to administer a highly efficient and effective program and also allowed us to be creative in meeting very high performance standards. And the winters in the Midwest build character!
NMA senior consultant Cydney Jones is expert in providing a wide range of technical assistance, management training, and on-site expertise for multifamily assisted programs and the HCV program. She's also a member of several professional organizations: NAHRO, NLHA, and her local PTA. In her free time, Cydney enjoys boating, rollerskating, swimming, and spending time with her family.