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Working with sequestration in the public housing program: Tip #9

Cara GilletteAs we know, public housing funding for April is at a 73% proration level. HUD plans to issue a second funding to bring the April proration level up to 79%.

The business of owning and managing affordable housing in decent, safe, and sanitary condition and in good repair remains our mission. PHAs need to plan more strategically than ever before. So, as all businesses must ask in tough times: How can we maximize dollars and cut costs?

Tip #9: Consider RAD if your properties are badly in need of capital improvements and are in a decent neighborhood.

Did you know that the multifamily program has never been prorated? Consider PBRA as a way to renew and rebuild your public housing. For more information, read our some of our previous posts about the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD):

A practitioner's perspective on the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program

Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Q&A

RAD: Final notice

Final thoughts on the RAD final notice

The RAD application window is now open!

HUD announces the official launch of RAD

Follow the #RAD tag to keep up with all related blog posts.

Next: Working with sequestration in the public housing program: Tip #10

NMA senior associate Cara Gillette trains, consults, and provides technical assistance nationwide in fair housing, public housing management, hearings, economic self-sufficiency, and governing boards. Prior to joining NMA, Ms. Gillette served at the San Diego Housing Commission, administering its public housing and Section 8 waiting lists, serving as hearing officer, managing public housing, and overseeing resident economic development programs. She has previously written for the NMA blog about blended occupancy projects.

If you find that you need staffing help during sequestration, NMA can assist your agency with recertifications (done remotely), quality control, outsourced hearing officer services (done remotely), HQS inspections, and more. Email for more information.